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The World Market for Pressure Transmitters, 4th Edition 

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This page contains an overview of a new market study from Flow Research on the pressure transmitter market.  If you are interested in the study, please contact Jesse Yoder at Flow Research by email at  jesse@flowresearch.com, or call Flow Research at 781-245-3200.

About the Study

Flow Research is conducting a new study on the worldwide pressure transmitter market called The World Market for Pressure Transmitters, 4th Edition. The primary goal is to determine the size of the pressure transmitter market in 2013. Forecasts through 2018 will be included.

The study has multiple purposes:

Determine worldwide market shares for pressure transmitters in 2013
• Forecast market growth for all types of pressure transmitters through 2018
• Identify industries and applications where pressure transmitters are used, and to focus especially upon high growth areas
• Analyze products for the main companies selling into the pressure transmitter market
• Offer strategies to manufacturers for selling into the pressure transmitter market
• Profile main pressure transmitter suppliers
• Identify all of the factors causing the market to grow

The study is divided into the following regions:

North America (U.S. and Canada)
• Western Europe
• Eastern Europe (including Central Europe and FSU)
• Middle East and Africa
• Japan
• China
• Asia without China and Japan
• Latin America (Mexico, Central and South America

The following is a partial list of the segmentation included in this study:

• Transmitters by Fluid Type - Liquids: Hydrocarbon and Non-hydrocarbon, Steam, Gas
• Transmitters by Type - MV, DP, Gage, Absolute
• Transmitters by Mounting Type - Remote Seals, Manifolds, Primary Element Assemblies, No Mounting
• Smart vs. Conventional
• Transmitters by Communication Protocol
• Transmitters by Sensing Technology
• Transmitters by Industry, Application, Sales Channel

The study will conclude with a discussion of the market forces at work, strategic action perspectives, and how to form alliances to enhance product offerings.


To order this study, contact Flow Research, or fill out the order form above!

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Wakefield, MA 01880

(781) 245-3200

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